So far we have had a lot of work on our plates with the purchase of the Lodge and getting into its rejuvenation. In the beginning there was some head scratching, trying to figure out how some things were done, or why things were a certain way, but that’s just part of the journey. It’s been great hearing from people who were part of the history of the lodge, from people who have stayed in the past to the people who were part of the construction of the lodge. A lot of whimsical smiles as they speak of those past seasons of 100 plus days and the great people they met at the lodge. For a building with as much history as the lodge, it’s pretty cool to be a part of it now, fifty years later. More than once I have found myself thinking…”if only these walls could talk.” Reincarnating the Lodge has been a big task, but we’ve been working with a great team of local businesses to bring the vision to life and create what we believe will be a great guest experience.
Putting my schooling and experience in hospitality into practice is an exciting moment for me and I am lucky to work with a great ownership team. It’s a team effort and collaboration so it has been a fun process. Some of the work we are planning is converting the media room to guest luggage storage. This will have lockers for guests to store their luggage in. We will have a bench and mirror with natural light as a powder area. We will have counter space for people to pack and unpack their things.
We have completed a lot of work so far! I forgot how much we have done, but looking at the pictures has been a nice reminder of where we were and where we are going. Looking at the transformation of the exterior pathway to the hot tub has been really exciting.

BEFORE – Path to hot tub

BEFORE – Lower Patio

After lots of work clearing and checking the drainage.

Landscapers trying to place the paving stones perfectly to meet the steps at the end of the pathway, this was 1 of 3 or 4 different looks.

AFTER – Path to hot tub

AFTER – Lower Patio
The bunk area has been painted and we have added a medicine box, a shelf inside the bunk and another cubby style shelf. We have also added an outlet at each bunk (hooray for charged cell phones!). We have put black out curtains up in the bunks to keep out the light and give some privacy. The bunk area has been painted and we have added a medicine box, a shelf inside the bunk and another cubby style shelf. We have also added an outlet at each bunk (hooray for charged cell phones!). We have put black out curtains up in the bunks to keep out the light and give some privacy. We also pulled the carpet, uncovering fir planks and just a few staples…The drapes were out when these were taken, but you get the idea.

Dorm bunks, now with power outlets.

Dorm Hallway
We also installed new Laundry facilities, 2 new washers and 4 new dryers. We know people will have a lot of gear in both summer and winter and it’s nice to be able to get laundry done in a compressed way!
These are in the bottom of the lodge, on the way to our newly renovated bathrooms.
It was while making improvements to the men’s washrooms my wish for the walls to talk came true, in a way at least. I knew a bit of the history of the lodge having talked to people who have stayed in the past and have found myself wishing I had a time lapse video from day 1 until now. I am sure it would be enlightening and very entertaining!
In order to make some improvements to the bathroom we had to pull down the stalls, the dividers were pretty heavy and when the last one came off the wall we made the discovery. The wall was lined with old magazine photos, some of famous bands, but mostly it was snow porn with a few naked ladies in between (those boys…)

The earliest Powder Magazine contents page we found was, 1979.

The earliest Powder Magazine contents page we found was, 1979.

Some looks to aspire to?

Some looks to aspire to?

Some looks to aspire to?