

Slow season? Yeah right!

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October was a busy month with a lot hopeful mountain enthusiasts arriving to get settled for the season. We love our food at our little Hostel nestled in the woods of Whistler and we got the chance to expose our guests to Thanksgiving. For us here in Canada and for our “Neighbours down South” it’s generally a pretty big deal.

whistler hostel thanksgiving

It means a lot of different things to different people but for most it’s a chance to enjoy great food with great people.  At least that’s what we believe at the Whistler Lodge Hostel.


The First Nations have the tradition of Potlatch, a ceremonial celebration bringing people together to pay respect, to give thanks, to share food and goods. It is something that Canadians have also adopted and attached their own traditions to, and we were happy to introduce them to our International guests this past Thanksgiving (like pumpkin pie).  There’s nothing like travelling to learn something new, and nothing speaks more to our humanity than sharing a meal.



Turkey, stuffing, gravy, Yorkshire puddings (made by Sam who hails from Yorkshire), pimped-out mashed potatoes, roasted veggies, pineapple ham wrapped with bacon, carrots and a special dill sauce. It was delicious and all made by guests and staff of the Lodge.


Super powered mash at the Hostel in Whistler Yorkshires from Yorkshire

mmmmmm sweeeet bacon  Breakin out the secret dill sauce at the Whistler Lodge Hostel

So we fill our plates and raise a glass…and look forward to round 2 with new friends from wherever they hail from. Fear not, we got this Turkey thing dialled…


Thanksgiving Turkey...sorry, no pictures of the soup that came after for those who stayed on at the Whistler Hostel